• Common quests

    These issues often come up with my clients.

    Do you see yourself in them?

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    Main Character Energy

    How do we claim responsibility for ourselves in our own adventure? Often other characters in our story crowd out our own voice. We feel underserved, undermined, and undervalued...and we don't know how to step into the light that belongs to us.


    When we direct compassionate agency toward ourselves, we create win-win situations for ourselves and for our supporting cast. And with practice and support, you too can celebrate being the rock-star main character in the life you always yearned to live.


    You are the star of your own life. It's time to start living like it.

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    Embodied Intimacy

    Intimacy isn't about who puts what where. It's about how and why we blend and remain distinct, join and separate, and open and close ourselves with others.


    Eros isn't a technique. It's an attitude. Together, we explore what's going on in a couple or polycule's interpersonal dynamics, and what's going on inside each partner's heart and mind. We investigate old conditioning and pave the way for bold new possibilities that foster profound intimacy.


    The relationship of your dreams could be the one you have right now. Are you ready to find out how?

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    Co-Founder Crusades

    You're both totally in love...with your big start-up idea. Sparks fly when you share your dreams for the future. You both believe this business could be The One.


    Now, how do we turn your passion project into a real, thriving business that works?


    I help co-founders develop business communication, negotiation, and leadership strategies that promote clarity, growth, and real-world success.